INTELLIGENTSIA is a collaborative research project funded by the French Agence National pour la Recherche (ANR) public funding agency.
In the era of network softwarization, INTELLIGENTSIA objective is to fast move towards automation of end-to-end network operations by leveraging advanced learning algorithms able to scale with large-scale virtualized networks and to meet control and operations requirements of massive IoT use-cases. The targeted scientific contributions are related to the elaboration of a dynamic state machine framework for modeling a network virtualization platform, based on clustering and classification algorithms. The learning framework is meant to discover in real-time known and unknown network states, as well as to anticipate reconfigurations of the network and in particular of novel IoT radio access functions in addition to device behavior and network backhauling. The expected impact includes the enhancement of network automation platforms considered by the Industry and the design of novel IoT radio access functions.
The project runs from Dec. 2020 to May 2024.
ANR contract number: ANR-20-CE25-011